End of the road for JAVA Applet in BOBJ Webi ?

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  • End of the road for JAVA Applet in BOBJ Webi ?
Admin April 12, 2023 0 Comments

Creating Web Intelligence reports in Applet and maintaining Java versions across multiple users is challenging. Incompatible JAVA will cause issues with users. As newer BOBJ versions releasing in 4.2 SAP slowly moving away from JAVA applet and incorporating everything in DHTML viewer.

More Data sources in Creating Webi Reports

Excel, Free-hand SQL, BEx data sources are now supported in HTML viewer.Web Intelligence data sources from HTML viewer

Query Panel

BW datasource webi reports Query panel can now be accessed in HTML viewerBW Datasource in Webi HTML Viewer

Advanced Query panel filters like Subquery, Database Ranking are now in HTML Modify mode.Advanced query panel in Webi

Report Design features

New formatting rules can be created

Number formats can be changed

Webi format number change feature

Changing Data source is available

Change data source from Web Intelligence interactive viewer

Here is why Java Applet is still going to stick around

  • Data Manager panel
  • Save a document as a CSV archive file
  • Save a document as a PDF, text, Excel or Excel 2007 file
  • Build queries on an Analysis View data source
  • Access Data mode
  • For OLAP .unx universes, when filtering on measures, you can only type a constant.
  • Left panel Report Map
  • View the “More on this function” button in the formula editor

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